Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Say how do you do and shake hands

Okay, now I suppose I should write a lil' about myself. My name is Anni Pattee, and I currently reside in California. The San Francisco bay area is where I call home. I am a struggling artist. The fact that I must work a day job to make money, which leaves no time for the art, is what qualifies me as struggling. I'm a photographer... or perhaps I just snap pictures. I'm not sure what it takes to be considered a photographer. Perhaps being happy with one's photos is enough. In which case, I am a photographer.

I currently work as an insect trapper for Alameda County. I look for fruit flies that are not native to the area and hope to never find them. The work consists of long days spent driving and digging through stinky piles of dead bugs. It's no glamour position. I intend to move on to bigger and better things come next year. For starters I will be applying to the California College of Art for fall 2008. There I will be provided the necessary foundation for a solid career as a photographer...right? That's the plan anyway. A solid foundation and a shit-load of debt.

Onto more personal details of my life currently. I am in a long-term relationship with the lovely lady described in my last blog. Jeannine and I have been together over six years and are currently struggling as artists together. It's wonderful having someone who is so understanding and capable of grasping where I coming from when I snap about never having enough time to myself and wanting to be more creative. I come home from work and have only enough energy to feed my face and then sit and talk about (aka complain) the things I wish to accomplish. If I didn't have the support from Jeannine I would have surely lost the motivation for a creative existance entirely.

And to add to my distractions from art there are my babies...
Tiny in crazy-cat mode Steinbeck


Tyler asleepTyler


Rabbit and Sammy

And I wonder why I have so little time.

1 comment:

Jeannine said...

You take such lovely critter photos! I love them all!