Monday, August 27, 2007

Jefferson Street

Last Sunday night I ventured into the city with a couple of friends to catch some live music. Destination, Brainwash. I'd never heard of Brainwash before but we were going to see a specific band play.

Brainwash is a cafe/laundromat on Folsom in San Francisco. Folks can grab a burger and onion rings whilst their delicates spin through the rinse cycle. It's a great place with a full menu, beer on tap, internet access, live music, and pin-ball machines. I wish my garage ( where I do my laundry ) was just as awesome. I usually have the beer (not on tap), but lack everything else. The only live music to grace my wet panties is when I sing to keep the family cockatoo appeased and quiet.

The band we were there to see is called Jefferson Street. It was my first time hearing them, although the band members are friends of a friend. Jeannine used to sling coffee with the lead singer/songwriter, but they have now both gone on to pursue other things. IMG_2190

We talked with the band a bit prior to their set. They are a great bunch of guys, far too humble, and incredibly charming. Jefferson Street really consists of one guy, Josh. Josh sings lead vocals and plays guitar. A feat I cannot fathom. Perhaps because I spent 8 years of my life as a flute player and playing whilst singing is virtually impossible and therefore shouldn't be attempted by amateurs. But don't let's go down that rabbit hole, I'm moving on. Josh had a couple of friends on hand to help round out the band, Josh (another one) played drums, while (name omitted due to not knowing it at time of publication) was on bongoes and maracas.

Now, not only do their personalities rock, so does their music. The songs are quite catchy, the lyrics are sincere, heartfelt, and funny. Usually I find it difficult to focus on the lyrics of a song I haven't heard before. I hear melody and beat first, and then I try to make out the lyrics. Not so with Jefferson Street. The lyrics grabbed me by the ear and danced it's way into my brain. But don't take my word for it. check them out at their myspace page

Local artists are a great asset to the community, and Jefferson Streets assets are large and great.


Jeannine said...

yes, yes! this was such a fun evening!

Jeannine said...

another blog? when when? =)